What an awesome experience having to call the 8ta call centre ladies for help only to be cut off 5 times after going thru the rigmarol of answering the automated services and FINALLY getting thru to a real person just to be dropped again sigh...
finally a guy answered i asked for the supervisor and eventually another 9 minutes later i was answered by the supervisor... i asked her to phone me back as I had already spent over R70 of prepaid airtime calling from my cell c card as the 8ta one would not even call the 180 number... i was then called back again by the data dept guy who eventually sorted out the issue even tho the info he gave me was not in line with the problem.
My issue was the lack of knowledge from the call centre agents and that they kept cutting me off which was irritating and frustrating and cost me a small ill-able-to-afford prepaid phone bill.
Is telkom gonna give me a refund for these wasted calls??? probably not but you guys can try to prove me wrong here
i think i need to take my service elsewhere other than telkom/hellkom