» Business & Finance » Complaint / review: Virgin Insurance - 3rd party claim and Virgin takes no responsbility! | #213890

Virgin Insurance
3rd party claim and Virgin takes no responsbility!

As per my previous complaint against Virgin Insurance. I have encountered further fruitless dealing with the legal / claim department for my 3rd party claim. The person who ran into back of my car has already opened the case and admitted fault on his side. And after submitting all the quotes and introduced both insurance companies (brokers vs Virgin representative) so they can communicate to one another on 11/09/2013. I was then advised on 13/09/2013 that M&F contact person Uhuru needed to allocate my file to to someone to handle. and today I was told by Marcia from Virgin that M&F is still appointing that person to deal with the query. Then when I question her about the issue and timeframe, this is the email I get back from her. REALLY? -

Good day Mr Peng

Third party claims against Mutual and Federal do take a while to be finalized.

Please bear in mind at no point in time can we guarantee the success of the recovery of your damages. We can also not guarantee a time frame in which the recovery can be done.

Yours faithfully,

Marcia Montgomery
Legal Recoveries Advisor: Telesure Legal Department
Telesure Investment Holdings (PTY) LTD
Tel: 011 715 7542 | Fax : 011 713 461


Company: Virgin Insurance

Country: South Africa   City: Claim / Legal department

Category: Business & Finance


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