» Business & Finance » Complaint / review: First National Bank - IS YOUR MONEY SAFE? FNB doesn t care! | #213687

First National Bank
IS YOUR MONEY SAFE? FNB doesn't care!

My card was skimmed and a total of R1520 was taken out of my account.

There was no incident, I am very vigilant with my card and PIN. I never received any sms's as the amounts drawn were under R90 and apparently FNB doesn't send sms's for these amounts.

FNB is now saying that I am responsible for these amount drawn but I never draw money from non FNB ATM's and never in such small amounts. My card is still in my possession, I haven't been negligent in any way and feel that my bank should protect my money. I cover the keypad when I enter my PIN, and keep an eye on my card at all times.

I check my statements at the end of the month but I got an automated call from FNB before then about suspected on my account, I then logged into my online banking and saw these transactions taking place while I was sitting in my bed at home!

FNB recognised the fact the there were activities happening on my account, called me and now are saying it is my fault?

How can they say I'm responsible?


Company: First National Bank

Country: South Africa

Category: Business & Finance


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