I did an early upgrade with Cellc and I am currently struggling with getting information with regards to the delivery. According to when I placed the order I should have received my phone but the person that placed the order did not do it right teh first time so it had to be re-done & now my problem is the order is still hanging at cellc's warehouse with no tracking no for me to change my delivery address as i will be not at work on Monday. I call so many times a day they can check my records. I dont want to put names on here but I ahve all the names & times for everyone I spoke to at cellc since Monday I can provide that to them if thye want. I have been with cellc for ever with 2 contracts but this time they gave the worst service ever. Please someone get back to me and tell me when I am getting my or where i should collect it coz I don't mind going to collect ti my. How hard can it be to get a tracking no, it's hard because someone did not do waht they were supposed to do. A supervisor even spoke to me today and promised that he was taking the case himsself to make sure that I get my fon & would call me with feedback, I am still waiting i wont mention his name on this platform