For the last /- a year I got bad reception everywhere in and around the Secunda area. When I do get signal it is only GPRS signal with bad line quality. Then my phone loose signal completely with a message displaying - No service. Most of the time I have to restart my phone for the sim to register again.
I did check my phone settings and also tested my wife's phone which got the same errors. She now moved to Cell-C and this never happens with her anymore.
I work on Sasol Secunda grounds and it is imperative to have reception in my line of business. I do standby allot and need signal at home if there is a problem I need to attend.
I always liked MTN - that's the reason why I am a costumer, but I am strongly considering to cancel my subscription for this is basically breach of contract. The staff at the MTN store says they cannot do anything about this issue and this is my last hope to come to Hellopeter.