» Shops, Products, Services » Complaint / review: Foschini - No service provided again | #214090

No service provided again

Good day again this is another complaint regarding the dame store with regards to their insurance company for cell phones. It had been over 2 months now since i submitted my claim and am getting no feedback or no service. I was told to write a motivation letter to the head office, as i am not willing to take a phone that is below what i have been insured for. This time they are saying it cannot be done, but when there was a claim submitted before they asked for a certain amount of money, as they did not have the phone. Now they do not have the phone are telling me the customer to take phone that does not even amount to half the price of the phone i had originally paid for. It is not my problem that they do not have that phone and i am willing to add money so i can get a phone clower to what i have been paying for, but i am still waiting for a responce. I have been and still and a good client but all the time am treated so badly. If they say i need to add money they just tell me when they feel no i have to take a lesser phone they tell me, no ways i paid R3500 for my phone and will not take a phone that cost R2500. that is not faid. I am still waiting for a responce from my letter s


Company: Foschini

Country: South Africa   City: Bridge City

Category: Shops, Products, Services


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