» Shops, Products, Services » Complaint / review: Hi-Fi Corporation - Pathetic online sale | #213968

Hi-Fi Corporation
Pathetic online sale

I did an online purchase for a laptop and external hard-drive from Hi-fi coperation on the 17 Sept '13. The order was supposed to reach me on 18 Sept 13. Days passed and no delivery happened when I tracked it, I found that it spent 2 days in Middleberg while I reside in Secunda. After a lot of calling from my side promises were made that feedback would be made by Hi-fi corporation but it obviously did not happen. I eventually e-mailed them saying I no longer want the order on 20 Sept '13. The courier company phoned me with and guess what only an external hard-drive was delivered on the 20 Sept 13 at 19:00 and no laptop. I declined to take it. The e-commerce of Hi-fi corporation is pathetic and I want my money back.


Company: Hi-Fi Corporation

Country: South Africa   City: Head office

Category: Shops, Products, Services


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