» Shops, Products, Services » Complaint / review: Incredible Connection - Extremely poor after sales service & communication | #213948

Incredible Connection
Extremely poor after sales service & communication

Acer A 500 camera malfunction. Taken to Somerset Mall Incredible Connection 26/8 10:59. Advised 10-14 working day turn-around. I advised from the onset that Tab was out of guarantee. Faxed slip 26/8 14:05.Trevor phoned on 29/8 to ask if fax was sent as he'd been away for a 'few' days. 29/8 I rang, manager who was not there. 30/8 call Regional mgr. Advised item was to be sent for repair Fri or Mon. 12/9 call re status - no tab. Am told will phone when ready as 'no cost' involved. Will courier to me at their expense because of delay. 17/9 SMS Regional. mgr. again re problem. 18/9 he to escalate to branch mgr. 18/9 I am told item on its way back to store at Incredible Connection at 'no cost' & would be couriered to me. 20/9 advised not my tab but someone else's & now there is a repair cost of R1881.00 despite being told 'no cost' during the complete process. 20/9 16:15 tried to contact senior management. Seems as if they wash their hands of this and I to bare cost. No excuse for almost 4 week delay when originally promised 10-14 working days. Customer service is non existent.


Company: Incredible Connection

Country: South Africa   City: Somerset West

Category: Shops, Products, Services


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