» Politics & Government » Complaint / review: Gautrain - Transaction List of my Account | #213331

Transaction List of my Account

Good Morning
I needed to get a transaction list or print out of all my transaction made on my card for expense claim purposes. I was tossed around from the call centre to the Midrand information counter for two weeks to get this done.

All I need is a print out of my transactions made against my card no:1839423345 3710 000 2450 7274-NJ Cupido. I have been given the run around for two weeks, now I have to wait another 10days due to incompetance of workers.

I need this done please. I have a window period to submit my claims and this is wasting my time. the reason for my request would be. I did not receive my transaction slip dur to the machine having no paper and those
outlets get so ful that everything jams up in that slot. Gautrain workers are getting sloppy to say the least


Company: Gautrain

Country: South Africa   City: Midrand

Category: Politics & Government


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