» Health & Medicine » Complaint / review: Life Healthcare - Double the bill? Pocketing the refund? | #189187

Life Healthcare
Double the bill? Pocketing the refund?

My daughter went to Bedford Gardens hospital twice for her dental procedures under general anesthetic. First time was November 2011, the accounts and pre-admissions department quoted me R8000 for the procedure the doctor prescribed, the following day I was billed with over R16 000. The bill had doubled. I took it up with them and eventually gave me R1500 discount.
The second time was September 2012. I have pre-paid them R8600 before the procedure. I requested numerous times for the actual invoice afterwards, only yesterday, I have received the invoice. On the invoice it stated that the total charges were R8508.99, and R91.01 refund has been written off as small balance.
I queried with Gina Mendes from account department of Bedford Gardens Hospital, and the reply was "Its showing a Nil Balance on our system now."
This is ridiculous! How can an institution write off refund to its customer? That refund is my money, not what I owe them! From both the experiences, it shows extremely bad accounts services and very unprofessional!


Company: Life Healthcare

Country: South Africa   City: Bedford Gardens Private

Category: Health & Medicine


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