» Telecommunications » Complaint / review: Neotel - Still No Refund | #213737

Still No Refund

I made a report here on hello peter about the shoddy service Neotel gives its customers and how they have refused to refund my money. My ref number is SREQ_84242305. This was on the 29th of August. I got a mail from Neotel on the 3rd of September saying that the matter has been resolved, only it hasn't. As at today I am yet to get my refund. They claim that they don't have my banking details, details that have been supplied to them over 5 times already. If Neotel think that they can frustrate me to either give up on the money or forget about it completely, they've got another thing coming. They may think that it's just R800, but customer care means that even if it is R1 a customer is being owed, they have every right to get it back. There is no one I know that will ever do business with Neotel. They need to stop with the flimsy excuses and just refund my money!!


Company: Neotel

Country: South Africa   City: Head Office

Category: Telecommunications


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