It was time for my upgrade in June 2013. I asked for BB 9320 - with a R 1, 000 gift voucher as a "gift". This was e-mailed the Ian. On receipt of my Blackberry- no gift card. I specifically asked if all was in place and if my R1000gift card was sorted as I had to drive from Vredenburg, which is 75km from Moorreesburg. I realised that my give voucher was not included and I had to turn back to Autopage. This is when I realized that Ian gave me the "wrong"contract. My new Blackberry was not even working correctly. I phoned them and they said that they will have to send it in for repairs. I have not even used my new phone & wanted a new one. The phone was replaced after 2 weeks, after fighting about a broken box & my voucher that was worth only R700.00. the same voucher that I tried to use, only to find out that no money was loaded! After phoning, it was sorted out, but only with R700.00.I used my new BB for a few weeks and then it gave me an error message. I took back to Moorreesburg - Autopage. to be told, it could take up to 6 weeks. It is 2 months later now! phoned them yesterday, only to find out that my bb was send back to them and is still broken. Mean time I PAY!