» Telecommunications » Complaint / review: Telkom - TELKOM NIGHTMARE order 85127377B | #213639

TELKOM NIGHTMARE order 85127377B

Telkom WHY???
I want to provide you with business I have signed up with yourself as my ISP and have had my land line installed. I have been waiting since the 3rd of September 2013 and in that amount of time called every day for an update and received VARIOUS responses or excuses!! Firstly I was told I have internet availability in my area perfect lets proceed. Telkom then say hold on there are no ports available my order has been parked. Then I speak to Sharon she says yes she just tested my line and it's all activated so she signs me up Uncapped 4 meg line. I go home plug in my modem no ADSL connectivity phone the "help" line and get told no Sharon was wrong my port is faulty.
Next day my usual Telkom update call I speak to a very helpful consultant Nicole who says yes my previous port was faulty however she just checked my exchange and I have 19 ports AVAILABLE!!! Perfect she reorders my line activation and escalates to the technical supervisors, that was 3 days ago. (Firstly why can't they check at the exchange which ports are working then allocate the one that is working to me!!!). I finally get a phone call today with SHOCKING news apparently there are no ports availabl


Company: Telkom

Country: South Africa   City: Broadacres

Category: Telecommunications


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