» Shops, Products, Services » Complaint / review: - STILL waiting for feedback | #281126
STILL waiting for feedback

We ordered a DVD (Wrong Side of Town) through Kalahari on 22/09/2013. When we received it, the DVD was sealed and we subsequently forwarded it to our nephew (for whom we bought it as a birthday gift). When he received the package, the DVD was still sealed, but there was no DVD Disc? We lodged a complaint with Kalahari to look into the matter and were provided with a Complaint Number CRM:03570025. I've done follow-up's on 13/10/2013, 19/10/2013, 28/10/2013 with no feedback to date. Is the silence a hint that we should just accept that we paid for something and did not receive same?!! The is unacceptable!! Has anyone else experienced something similar with Kalahari? And just by the way, this was an order directly from Kalahari and NOT a 3rd party through [URL Removed] so they cannot claim that it's NOT their responsibility.



Country: South Africa   City: Shipping

Category: Shops, Products, Services


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