On the 23 Sep 2013, I went to do my monthly shopping at Shoprite Blue Downs. I then purchased a 2kg Omo Auto washing powder priced R39.99 from the shelf. I got to the till and the tiller scanned the product, the price was not the same as advertised on the shelf, it was more expensive. The tiller confronted the manager about the price. In the meanwhile one of the employees removed the price tag from the shelf because when we wanted show the manager the price on the shelf was indeed R39.99, the price tag was removed. The manager responded by accusing us of not reading the prices correctly and that some customers switched the prices on the shelves. I requested him to show me the barcode for this item, he refused and reponded by saying he does not know where it is and that he is not giving it to us for that price (R39.99) the sale starts tomorrow. I have never seen such incompetence on a management level, he was very unprofessional, had no negotiating skills, no customer service skills just to mention a few. How can you blame a customer for the wrong barcodes. The fact that they removed the pricing from the shelf proved that they was at fault, all he had to do was apologize.