» Shops, Products, Services » Complaint / review: Glasfit - Thank you Christine, Elana and Charmaine!!! | #215133

Thank you Christine, Elana and Charmaine!!!

My husband's windscreen broke and I had to replace it. The insurance company told me the local Glasfit will contact me to assist. Within minutes Christine Mahlangu from Glasfit phoned me and at the shop Elana Kruger and Charmaine Blasko also did their best to make me comfortable and brought coffee which I very much appreciated because I was sick. The technicians also tried to make as quick a possible for me to be able to make my appointment with my doctor. They are truly an asset to Glasfit and with people like them we will always support them.
Glasfit can be very proud of the 3 ladies.
Thank you once again, S Ludick


Company: Glasfit

Country: South Africa   City: Witbank

Category: Shops, Products, Services


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