» Shops, Products, Services » Complaint / review: Foschini - Scanning Problem | #214801

Scanning Problem

Had very an very bad experience at your N1 City Mall branch, after waiting to be helped, I was told that something I took off the shelf does not scan on the system and I cannot take the product!!! So how did they scan the product in when they received the stock?!?!? They said they will let me know today if the code started working because they are waitin gon head office for feed back!!! Very Very bad service, seeing that the product is advertised in the monthly booklet I received with my statement!!! And when I received a reply I was told I must remember that some people have taken a long weekend.. So why is it that my money is taken every month, but they are quick to say, we will see to it.. Does customer service really mean so little to Foschini?? Will be sure to close my account ASAP!!!


Company: Foschini

Country: South Africa   City: N1 City

Category: Shops, Products, Services


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