» Shops, Products, Services » Complaint / review: Edgars - Harassed by Edgars Accounts Department | #213696

Harassed by Edgars Accounts Department

I have been receiving harrassing phone calls from someone called Kgomotso at Edgars from phone number 011 491 1144. This woman is even phoning my work telephone number and demanding that I pay R1000 odd today. I have not provided my work telephone number to the company so what gives her the right to phone it? This is unacceptable.
Based on the last statement as at 31/8/2013, even the amount that she is demanding from me is wrong... I paid R400 for August and an amount of R320 today. Can Edgars honestly say that I have been a bad payer for me to be subjected to absolute harassment (unfounded and emotionally disturbing)? I have asked for a reconciliation since January 2013 because I paid in an amount of R1000 in January and then R4000 in February. No-one phoned to harass me then.
Admittedly my instalment was late for August and short but I have settled it to keep them off my back. This woman is so arrogant yet she does even have the facts. I will be closing my account with Edgars mid October 2013 as I will not tolerate being treated in this way.
I have also emailed the complaint to the accounts department and have not had the courtesy of a response. Shocking service!


Company: Edgars

Country: South Africa   City: Head Office

Category: Shops, Products, Services


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