» Shops, Products, Services » Complaint / review: Beares - Still waiting | #272577

Still waiting

During September 2013 we laid a complaint at Bears Maponya Mall about a 3pce suit we bout last year October. MORGAN has been advising that they called the manufacturer who will come and collect for repairs. A month passed nothing happened I then called again late October and he promised that he had escalated the matter and again no joy. Around the 14/15th of November my dad went to the shop and Morgan said he was the one at fault and had to re-do the whole thing and promised this time something will be done but to date we are still waiting. We have a 3 sitter sofa that no one can use as its damaged. I bought these cash and it seemed I waisted my money. AM REALLY DISAPPOINTED AND CERTAINLY SURE I WILL NEVER BUY ANYTHING ELSE FROM BEARS AND THAT INCLUDES MY WHOLE FAMILY.


Company: Beares

Country: South Africa   City: Maponya

Category: Shops, Products, Services


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