I find it extremely misleading and frustrating that Discovery medical Aid which is by no means cheap are allowed to get away with no paying claims because of hoe they classify certain cover, I was told by one of your "SKILLED" consultants that a medical emergency as classified by them is either Death or a loss of LIMB what a load of nonsense. If you are by some chance lose your finger in a accident they will cover you but should you have an accident and crack and shatter a molar tooth which is then needed to be extracted then that suddenly has no cover and is lumped under the convenient category of general dentistry. HOW CAN LOSING A TOOTH BE CONSIDERED GENERAL DENTISTRY??? Going for a check up is general having a tooth shattered in your mouth is hardly normal and certainly not general why is a finger more important than your teeth. It is high time medical aids such as Discovery be taken to task. The fact that phoning in does not even help is more frustrating they could not care less. Luckily for me our membership is up for renewal and I will be cancelling my medical aid, the fact that your consultants could not care less about losing a customer of 8 years is disgusting & shameful!