I have been with Discovery the biggest portion of my life.
My Fiance also made the "Wise" decision to join them in her own capacity in the beginning of 2013. (Up until the end of 2012, she was also on discovery, but as a dependent on her father's discovery medical plan).
At the end of March 2013, I decided to add her to my medical plan. It took until mid July to complete this exercise. A whopping 4 months to add someone as a dependent. They must definitely get a prize for efficiency on that one.
Recently we discovered Virgin active has charged her the full price for two months now. We investigated as we are on Vitality, and in fact she paid the R 800 joining fee in Febr.
The investigation revealed:
1) Discovery charged me the full price for July, where she only joined on my policy at the end of July.
2) We need to pay another R 800 if she still want to gym at the cheaper rate.
3) I got a quote for car insurance at Discovery Insure (ONLY A QUOTE) - they charged me for a month...!! Not expecting you guys to sort this out, or wait... you Discovery, they Discovery... never mind...
Please sort above out - or i'm moving to PROFMED... I'd rather spend that R800 their...