» Business & Finance » Complaint / review: First National Bank - Credit Card not closed | #301694

First National Bank
Credit Card not closed

In September 2013 I asked a settelement amount on my credit card as well as two other accounts intending to close all my accounts with FNB. It took weeks to get a letter from them, I setteld the card on 21 September 2013, the only closed it on 15 October, never letting me know and then kept on sending statements after that where there is now again a amount to be paid, I refuse to do that and has sent several emails and phonecalls no one so far has even bothered to phone back. This bank is a disgrace, same happend with my cheque account, I settled all three accounts on the same day and made sure before I setteld the account that all the debit orders was transferred to my new bank and also cancelled at the various companies, even went online and cancelled the debit orders and went to the branch to make sure. Behold it is 4 months later, the account is still active and a amount of R1100.00 is now owing by me for Debit orders that did not go off because there was insufficient funds. What a disgrace and incompetent bank, this is exactly why I moved all my business and my family business to another bank. I have written proof of all my emails and closing of DOrders


Company: First National Bank

Country: South Africa   City: FNB Credit Card

Category: Business & Finance


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