» Business & Finance » Complaint / review: Liberty Life - Liberty Life are maestro s in incompetence! | #213857

Liberty Life
Liberty Life are maestro's in incompetence!

I have had it with Liberty Life! They repudiate a claim because of me apparently not disclosing info that I did to my broker at Liberty that also is as as they come... filling falsified information on my behalf! He was not even sacked or reprimanded! Lee Ann Owgan is the even worse! Rejecting the claim as I am sure she benefits from each repudiated claim... taking almost 2 weeks to make her decision then conveniently goes on leave! I escalated to Ms Lombard (Elna) who sheepishly believes and agrees with her incompetent less than competent staff members and advises me to take the matter to the ombudsman! They all cover for one another! The underwriter knew about my previous claims and had exclusions as all claims are listed... now Ms Owgan has this bright epiphany that had they known they never would have covered me... but she says nothing about her sinister Liberty colleague who falsified info on my behalf?? I am, . I am going to sue their sorry and I swear to I am going to slander them on facebook and twitter even if I must create a page myself! Their CEO cannot be reached because he or she doesn't care... They best do serious damage control! I pray they die


Company: Liberty Life

Country: South Africa   City: Braamfontein

Category: Business & Finance


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