» Telecommunications » Complaint / review: Cell C - Refuse to cancel contract in first 7 days | #215165

Cell C
Refuse to cancel contract in first 7 days

I took out a CellC contract after porting from Vodacom. day 1 I had problems with reception at my house which I work from and I went back to CellC who promised to fix the problem.By day seven nothing have hapend from their side so I when to cell c and cancelled the contract and gave back the phone i never even used so as I am entiteld to do according to the SA consumer protection act. it has now been 2 months and when I call I am told that I am on a waiting list. So now I am paying for a phone I don't have minutes I can't use and I am loosing business since I can't get business calls at my house. it should take a bout 5 minutes to cancel my contract but here i am waiting 2 months and this after I even went to CellC head office where I was also promised that my contract will be canceled so I can port back to Vodacom. I am loosing business because CellC keeps me prisoner. This is breaking the law not just bad service and I will have to sue them for loss of income if they don't fix this a.s.a.p. You can't forse me to pay for something you can't deliver and I loose money because of you. What part of I can't do business if I don't have cellphone reception don't cell c understand.


Company: Cell C

Country: South Africa   City: Head Office

Category: Telecommunications


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