» Telecommunications » Complaint / review: Autopage - Autopage Swop Phones ask customers to commit | #215018

Autopage Swop Phones ask customers to commit

I sent my phone in to have the screen replaced with the insurance, i waited very long. when i recieved it back the phone did not want to connect to itunes, i figured out i had recieved a secondhand unit instead of my phone. i took it back and the sales lady told me to go and report it as and she will help me claim a new phone. i told her that it's and that i either want my phone back or a replacement as this is not how we do bussiness, this was on the 26 August 2013. i phoned them today and they say (as always) they will get back to me but they never do. i want a new phone or my old phone back as soon as possible as i am paying a lot of money for a phone i do not have and insurance that does not seem to work.


Company: Autopage

Country: South Africa   City: River walk 3 rivers

Category: Telecommunications


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