» Telecommunications » Complaint / review: Mtn - Blackberry subscribers are getting ripped off!!! | #214449

Blackberry subscribers are getting ripped off!!!

I am a loyal MTN subscriber and I'm extremly disappointed and ANGRY! I'm currently under the R59 "UNCAPPED!!! " Bis plan and I downloaded 3 mp3's last night through opera mini and all my airtime was TAKEN... R34!! This is just wrong!!! I called the mtn call centre (808) and the lady told me that the full bis only covers browsing, bbm and facebook... we get billed for whatsapp and downloading!! Why should we subject ourselves to this nonsense?? No other network treats blackberry users like this!! My friends at vodacom are totally happy with their full bis!! I'm not happy that it had to come to this, but I'm moving back to vodacom!! Mtn has to really rethink this strategy!!!


Company: Mtn

Country: South Africa   City: Johannesburg

Category: Telecommunications


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