I gave notice Nov 2012 to cancel my telephone line as we sold our house and we were moving out of the area. I settled my account as per the instructions given by the consultant and made my last payment January 2013. it was a huge shock when I was advised that Telkom blacklisted me for an amount of R323 after settling my account and closing the account. I called the call centre today, firstly I spoke to Tim who put me through to the billing dept. I spoke to Leroy but he couldn't find any amount outstanding or any indication of arrears - nothing he just confirmed the account was settled and closed. He said he would email credit management and request that clear my name at the credit bureau but this will take about a week. Now we don't have a week as on the 28th of September our time runs out to apply for a mortgage and due to the incompetence of people we wasted so much time to resolve issues that wasn't even an issue. We need this cleared and I need a letter as proof for the bank so they can consider my bond appl. please assist and email letter to me please. [Email Removed] I am not interested in apologies or anything I just need this resolved ASAP. Please can you assist