I have been a client with Mweb since almost the start of the company. 15-20years. I have installed and renting a 1 meg adsl line for a long period. I have always been satisfied with the service. Now since MWeb has started advertising that one can download the latest movies (which seems legal) it seem that people are using the UNCAPPED lines as advertised and the company has started having problems with the amount of downloads. It seems that MWeb now do not have the capability of providing the service that they advertised, and suddenly users are throttled in such a manner that you can hardly open a webpage. 1 meg line now downgraded to a 15k line. In this modern era that we live in, it seems that we are now been taken back to the ice age...
MWeb wrote me a letter about a month ago requesting not to overuse my connection, especially in day time. The connection was on 24/7 but I now only (mostly) use the connection after hours as they requested, but I still get nailed.