» Telecommunications » Complaint / review: Cell C - Incorrect info a stinking attitude | #214105

Cell C
Incorrect info a stinking attitude

I just called cell c 2 confirm my next payment date for my contract, guy tells me that because this is my 1st month, I will only be billed at the end of Oct.i asked him 2 explain the date I get when I dial *147# (25-09-13), guy says I'm not listening correctly 2 what he is advising & repeats exactly what he said before. He then tells me I sound mad.i asked for a supervisor, he transferred me 2 another agent, Bandile, who told me that calling a supervisor would not be helpful.he also transferred me 2 another agent, Sphiwe. Sphiwe called his supervisor, Mr Peterson. He helped me advised that my first payment date will be the end of September.i asked him 2 look into this issue get back 2 me. Now is this how Cell C treats their customers? I really hope there will be no glitches when I get billed, as cell c iz already in my bad books.


Company: Cell C

Country: South Africa   City: Johannesburg

Category: Telecommunications


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