6 months ago i left Telkom because afar 3 years all of a sudden they decide to throttle me... so i move to MWEB... i take a 4meg uncapped line just to be throttled again... so the consultant tells me to go to a 50G unshaped account which i was happy to do, so everything goes well until Wednesday 18th Sep - at 14hoo BANG!!! i start getting slower and slower speeds but i leave it... until it stops dead! then starts running after midnight again! yesterday 19th Sep around 2pm i stop dead... i phone mweb - they "refresh" their router (really?) and my speed runs at .5-10 kb/s... so around 8pm i phone again just to be told my account is shaped!!! so after 37mins on the phone `& no resolve i am told that somebody will contact me today... around midnight out of the blue there we have 400kb/s again... so a consultant phones me today around 10am and tell me that my account is not shaped and they apologize for any inconvenience... guess what? at 14h00 today - DEAD!!! no downloads available!!? MWEB! will u PLEASE just stop f lying to us?? if u are going to throttle us and then give us a bull excuse, then tell us so we can go somewhere else where service actually matter!!!