» Security » Complaint / review: Chubb - NO RESPONSE | #213543


I have been a client for just over a year, a month ago i received an email from CHUBB asking me for an amount that according to them i didnt pay for the first few months that i have been a client as they didnt have my correct banking details. I immediately contacted the person mentioned in the email, she was unavailable for a day, i called again the next day and after calling many times it turns out she is not handling my account, the lady that handled it was going to send me the statements of non payment, that hasnt been done and this all happened a month ago, i responded to their email wherein they say they are going to blacklist me and cut my service etcc, i call no one can assist, i am soo frustrated with them by now and lo and behold they send a similiar email, but the date changed so now they cutting my service at the end of October, i need to know why no one calls me back, why they only claiming that my banking details is wrong after so many months as i refuse to pay as i know i rectified this and they debiting my account every month, this is the second secuirty company i come across that is giving me bad service.


Company: Chubb

Country: South Africa   City: GRASSY PARK

Category: Security


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