» Health & Medicine » Complaint / review: Discovery Health - MedExpress: Bureaucracy at its best! | #213354

Discovery Health
MedExpress: Bureaucracy at its best!

I regularly order through MedExpress, I try to avoid having to talk to people as I get irritated easily. And that's why I like the system. What I do NOT like is the fact that for every new prescription, one has to call MedExpress, one has to go through the entire "routine" again, I am really bored with all that. You have ALL my data on file, you know who I am, surely nobody else is ordering my medication, and making a payment for the excess (as Discovery is stingy with chronic medication limits!)? And having had the same medication for the last at least five years, I know how to take them, one would think?


Company: Discovery Health

Country: South Africa   City: Head Office

Category: Health & Medicine


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