» Electronics and household app. » Complaint / review: Samsung South Africa - Samsung s Ativ Smart PC Pro is PATHETIC | #214031

Samsung South Africa
Samsung's Ativ Smart PC Pro is PATHETIC


About two month ago i needed to have my Samsung Ativ Smart PC Pro repaired as the touch screen had stopped responding. After 3 weeks (Samsung sell next business day repairs) the individual came through to fix the laptop. During the repair he accidentally chipped the paint on the speakers but worse after about a week the 3G stopped responding.

I phoned Samsung again to come through and repair the item where i was told that they do not have the 3G unit on hand and will have to order it, that was 4 weeks ago, and during that time the touch screen has yet again stopped responding..

Needless to say that the Samsung Ativ Smart PC Pro is by far the WORSE laptop/tablet I have ever owned, the build quality of the device is pathetic and Samsung's customer care is none existent.

I have now just purchased a new laptop (a Lenovo) as I have serious doubts that the Samsung will ever be in a satisfactory working order.


Company: Samsung South Africa

Country: South Africa   City: Johannesburg

Category: Electronics and household app.


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