» Business & Finance » Complaint / review: First National Bank - Shortchange on ebucks | #215281

First National Bank
Shortchange on ebucks

For the last several months I have not been getting the right percentage (amount) back in ebucks. I tried to contact ebucks division but I got no assistance whatsoever from their call centre. I contacted my FNB Manager, Mr B Gordon, who sat with me and went through my entire FNB portfolio and together we made a few changes which would have increased my ebucks percentage. After a month nothing changed and Mr Gordon again asked ebucks division why and he was told that it works in a month in arrears. A month later again nothing has changed. I am supposed to get 5% on my fuel purchases and 1% on my credit card purchases. I have not been getting remotely close to 5% on fuel and again this month I have been paid at least R28 short on my credit card purchases. This is totally unacceptable and may result in FNB losing my business. According to my Branch Manager, Mr. Gordon, he has spoken to a Mr. Khumalo about my situation but again no joy from ebucks division. This is nothing short of a complete rip off and unbecoming of a reputable company FNB. This is not what FNB advertise and to be quite honest is in very poor taste, not to mention dishonest.


Company: First National Bank

Country: South Africa   City: E Bucks

Category: Business & Finance


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