» Business & Finance » Complaint / review: First National Bank - Disappointing New Customer experience | #215222

First National Bank
Disappointing New Customer experience

I wanted to try out the FNB experience before getting a Gold Cheque Account. So I decided to get an Easy Account (savings account). On the FNB website it clearly states under "Ways to apply" "Your nearest FNB branch".

Went to the branch at Bayside Mall, when I asked to open the account the lady helping me said she's not sure what I am talking about but if I want a savings account she only opens Smart account's as a savings account (despite the FNB website having 7 options).

After convincing her that the Easy Account actually does exists (googling FNB website on my phone and showing her) she went to the branch manager who couldn't be bother to come speak to me. The response was that I can only open an Easy Account from some sort of specialized branches they are not sure of where they are.

I can only conclude that FNB is lying about "Ways to apply" "Your nearest FNB branch" or something is seriously wrong with your staff management.
Disappointingly I will not move to FNB now.


Company: First National Bank

Country: South Africa   City: Bayside Mall

Category: Business & Finance


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