» Business & Finance » Complaint / review: First National Bank - Business Banking website always broken | #214941

First National Bank
Business Banking website always broken

Regularly, when my wife needs to authorise a payment to a supplier, the new FNB website fails to work. Either it gets stuck on a screen, or particular buttons don't click.

When she phones the help line, the operator gives her instructions appropriate for Microsoft Windows. We do not use that system. When she tells the operator that she is using Ubuntu Linux, the operator continues giving instructions like "Open the Contol Panel".

It seems the source of many problems is changes to the underlying version of Java (tm) and other web technologies. But the website does not state what these dependencies are - it just leaves you waiting for a response that never comes.

What is the point of providing internet facilities, if they are machine- or operating system- specific? That is not internet - that is a proprietary solution that requires the customer to buy and install specific software before they can use it.

Ubuntu is South African, open, free and more secure than Windows. So FNB? At least be able to support a free alternative.


Company: First National Bank

Country: South Africa   City: Website

Category: Business & Finance


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