» Business & Finance » Complaint / review: First National Bank - Money taken out of my account | #214770

First National Bank
Money taken out of my account

It saddens me to write this complaint as FNB is suppose to be the bank that everyone should move to. We discovered that all our money was transferred into an overseas account without our knowledge and authorisation, my husband went to FNB Greenacres and the teller told him that there is nothing they can do about it, How PATHETIC is that for service, It is OUR money that we entrust FNB to keep safe for my family, We have payments that must be made at the end of the month. I am really disgusted as to how we have been treated. I will definitely not be banking with FNB anymore, and I am definitely going to the papers with this story as this service that we received is NOT ON.


Company: First National Bank

Country: South Africa   City: Port Elizabeth, The Bridge

Category: Business & Finance


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