» Business & Finance » Complaint / review: Absa - RVN not working Actionline doesnt respond | #214340

RVN not working Actionline doesnt respond

While in SA i requested my RVN number to be upated to my new number in the Middle east. This was not done, As per policy I was asked to submit an email with docs to RVN4U which I did. They stated that it was updated but it never gets updated. Countless emails and calls internationally at my expense and still nothing gets done. I copy Actionline into every intercation and as of today I have not had 1 email from Action line. What is this. Why is it so difficult to get something right that is so trival. They state there is a technical issue on my online banking and their Engineers are working on it. How long does it take to get an anwer. I am so fed up and no one cares in ABSA.
Their lack of service is shocking and there is no international number to call Action Line and ask to speak to a Manager or for RVN as they say they dont take calls. WTH!!!

To say I am upset is an understatement. I now sympahtise with the dude who lets snakes loose in their buildings!!!


Company: Absa

Country: South Africa   City: RVN/ ACTION LINE

Category: Business & Finance


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