» Business & Finance » Complaint / review: African Bank - On Credit Card | #213983

African Bank
On Credit Card

I received the African Bank credit card on Monday 9 of September 2013. On 12th of September 3 instances of are passed through the card all in a matter of 15 minutes. I called the bank & all they can say is that they can stop the card but I need to go to the police station & get an affidavid & send that with my ID & I must sign the ID 6 times. I go to the police station & they cannot help me unless I get a bank statement from the bank I call the bank & they send me a statement showing the balance but not the transactions. I call again & am told the funds are on hold so until it is paid over they cannot give me a statement to which I respond if the funds are held over why can you not stop it on the basis of to which the consultant responds we cannot do that we must investigate & to investigate you must send us the ID with 6 signatures & the affidavid. Utterly ludicrous. I write emails to their department, the complaint section, the loans section & get no response. I call yesterday the consultant who assisted me apologises for no response & then sends me the August statement. Are you an incompetant bank, with incompetent processes & staff? Do you enrich?


Company: African Bank

Country: South Africa   City: Card Division

Category: Business & Finance


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