» Business & Finance » Complaint / review: First National Bank - Smart Device claim | #213590

First National Bank
Smart Device claim

I lodged a claim with FNB Insurance for liquid damage on my iPhone4 on the 26th August, today its the 20th September the claim is still not finalised, I keep getting promises from Trikka every time I call her to find out the progress on the claim, she will ask me to hold and will ask someone by the name of Roon which I thinks is her team leader or something, and everytime she will say Roon says he will pay today. I signed the agreement on the 16th and was advised that by Wednesday I should get an email from FNB advising me that the phone was settle and I can apply for another phone. Wednesday came no email from FNB no email from Trikka or Klariska the lady I send the agreement to or Roon they guy who keeps on promising to pay and settle FNB. I am without a phone for 4 weeks now, I cannot apply for another phone with FNB until this is sorted out but Roon is too busy to make just one payment to FNB. Trikka cannot help as she ask for Roon every time I call her. I don't understand how does a cell phone claim take 4 weeks to settle, FNB Insurance turn around time. FNB cannot help as I have send two complaints to them about this but have received any response from them either!!


Company: First National Bank

Country: South Africa   City: ONLINE

Category: Business & Finance


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