» Telecommunications » Complaint / review: Vodacom - My Account problem unresolved for more than a mont | #214739

My Account problem unresolved for more than a mont

Well, what did Vodacom do right? Whats the use for customer care if they cant solve problems? Ive contacted them 5 times telephonic ally and a lot of e-mails was send BUT NO SOLUTION YET and the best of all is ill be paying another R1500 on top of my ordinary account after Ive put a limit onto my account last month the 18th of August, now they say they cant trace my phone calls made to them... after i told the guys after he put a limit on my account that if this occurs, Vodacom will be responsible for the account and he promised that it wont happen again... WOW it did. I had a phone call yesterday and I had the most arrogant that phoned me from customer care, he hanged up on me, that's good customer care service!!!


Company: Vodacom

Country: South Africa   City: Customer care and Vodaco

Category: Telecommunications


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