» Telecommunications » Complaint / review: 8ta / Telkom Mobile - Poor system in place | #214467

8ta / Telkom Mobile
Poor system in place

I received a message that said my contract was due to expire and I could come in to renew it.
So I go in, fill out the forms again
do the sim swap
all is good to go
but then the guy working there tells me we need to wait for someone at head office to give the ok for the transaction.
I walk around the Mall for about an hour and still no reply to say I can get my new phone.
Apparently they can take up to 24 hours to reply.
and this is ok, seriously???

Now I have to drive back again to pick up the phone.
and in the mean time I have no phone cause the sim swap went through right away.
So my phone is dead and I use it for business

I am an existing customer on 8ta, why do I have to wait for someone to give the ok for my upgrade.
you already billing me every month.
I am unhappy with this pathetic system.
we as customers should not have to drive up and down like this just to get a new cell phone!!!
you would swear we were in a 3rd world country run by... oh wait...


Company: 8ta / Telkom Mobile

Country: South Africa   City: Canal Walk

Category: Telecommunications


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