» Shops, Products, Services » Complaint / review: Woolworths - Woolworths took my money and never delivered!! | #214234

Woolworths took my money and never delivered!!

On Thursday 5 November I ordered groceries to the value of R 3340.24. On Friday 6 November goods to the value of R 2077.08 were invoiced and despatched. When my son checked the list of goods supposedly delivered, 10 items to the value of R 584.35 were never delivered. This was reported to the call centre on the same day (6/9/13) but they never responded. Several e-mails were subsequently sent but despite a phone call promising that the money would be refunded, nothing ever happened.

It is now more than two weeks and I am still waiting for my R 584.35!! Shame on Woolworths for disgusting service. All Woolies online customers be Warned!!!


Company: Woolworths

Country: South Africa   City: Online Shopping

Category: Shops, Products, Services


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