» Shops, Products, Services » Complaint / review: Pick n Pay - Incorrect price adverisied | #214063

Pick 'n Pay
Incorrect price adverisied

We went to buy cat food on 20 September 2013 at about 5:30pm. There was an A4 size advert
at the cat food department advertising Friskies fine cut in jelly at R3, 99 and there was no date indicating until when the offer was valid on this board. The price marked on the shelf was R4, 99. Upon quering this with staff, the manager, Roy came to tell us that it was an error and removed the advert. We usually buy 20 packets every week of whichever cat food is on special offer at any store that has the offer. He told us he can give us one free packet and apologised for the error. I told him that he should allow us to purchase our 20 packets at the advertised price. He said that he was following company policy. He walked away, not even caring whether we are taking the one free packet or even making arrangements for us to pass through the cashier with the one free. He did not care. Should we not have been allowed to purchase at the advertised price? Is that the correct way to deal with false advertising as a manager? We did not want it for free... we were happy to pay the advertised price. Going all that way to be told the advert is incorrect is unacceptable and a waste of valuable time.


Company: Pick 'n Pay

Country: South Africa   City: Liberty mall, pietermar

Category: Shops, Products, Services


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