» Recreation & Entertainment » Complaint / review: Multichoice - I am no longer your custome | #213239

I am no longer your custome

After many years of being ripped off and paying almost R700 per month, I am no longer your customer. Your rigid attitude about packages and not wanting to create ones where M-Net can be chosen standalone or bundled with others at reduced rates is unacceptable.

I am a LSM10 income earner; I can afford your service over and over, but I chose to switch off my signal. You have a non-caring attitude and your arrogance is fuelled by the fact that you have no real competition.

Please don't entertain me with your standard answer on how you care about public opinion and that you constantly review subscription options bleh bleh blah blah, Ive heard it all.

I am done with you.


Company: Multichoice

Country: South Africa   City: Head Office

Category: Recreation & Entertainment


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