» Miscellaneous » Complaint / review: Progress Panelbeaters - Bad Service | #213784

Progress Panelbeaters
Bad Service

My car Nissan Micra Gold in color Plate no. (Bg 88 Pz GP) was taken to Progress penal beaters in Sinovill by the insurance company ABSA i-direct. then the insurance advised me that the qoutation was R45.000 in total, but they will only give me the amount of R25000. i then called the penal beater that i would like to move the car from their service because i could not afford to pay the kind of amount they are charging. then the manager by the name of France, requested me not to take the car from them he will try to bring the amount down by getting second hand part .i trusted him then i said it was fine. he mentioned that he will try to look for part then he will give me a call later. after some time he called and said the qoute he he could get was about R30000. i agreed, and he said i should at least pay the deposit of R15000, but i made it better i paid R300000 which is the full amount. In the interim one lady called from their office and told me that they managed to get the parts and their estimated to the amount of R20000, and to me that was a curtacy call, of which i knew i had already paid in the money. he later called to say i must come to their offices, he then told me that th


Company: Progress Panelbeaters

Country: South Africa   City: Pretoria Sinoville, Lave

Category: Miscellaneous


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