» Cars & Transport » Complaint / review: Engen Petroleum - STILL no resulotion after my car was damaged | #213711

Engen Petroleum
STILL no resulotion after my car was damaged

Engen Oil have STILL not managed to resolve my issue that occurred on 2013/07/28 between 12h32 and 12h54. My car was damaged upon a visit to Tugela 1 Stop North and it cost me R1, 000 to have the damage repaired. The owner of the 1 Stop, Friedel, is now insinuating that I either imagined the damage or somehow altered the photo of the damage that I took at the 1 Stop. He is also saying that my behaviour "didn't fit the profile of a person who's property had been damaged". Now I don't know what sort of qualification Mr Friedel has that enables him to profile people, but it seems my desperation to use the toilet combined with my confidence in the robustness German-made cars was my downfall here. This is utterly ridiculous!! I cannot believe that the owner has changed his story countless times and the issue is still ongoing months later. His "eyewitness" is the petrol attendant who is obviously denying it in fear of losing his job. Can't blame him with a manager like Friedel. SOMEONE PLEASE RESOLVE THIS!!! I am really losing patience now.


Company: Engen Petroleum

Country: South Africa   City: Tugela 1 Stop North

Category: Cars & Transport


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