» Cafes, Bars, Restaurants » Complaint / review: Mcdonalds - Double cost | #214349

Double cost

On Friday 20th September 2013 I visited the Macdonalds franchise in parkrand. The cashier cancelled the tarnsaction when I was paying via EFT. She corrected the transaction and proceeded to begin the transaction again. The transaction was declined I then paid using another account however a few minutes later I received an sms that the money was taken from my 1st account. When I told the cashier and showed her my notification on the cellphone she insisted I need to bring a bank statement. I find this unfair as this was not an error on my part. This means that I need to take time off from work go to the bank and get a statement which is a further cost to inccur then go back to the store for them to refund me. Who is going to refund my time and my bank charges.


Company: Mcdonalds

Country: South Africa   City: Parkrand

Category: Cafes, Bars, Restaurants


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