» Cafes, Bars, Restaurants » Complaint / review: Spur Steak Ranches - Served a meal to family with invalid vouche | #214187

Spur Steak Ranches
Served a meal to family with invalid vouche

I gave my housekeeper a meal voucher as a birthday present but it was not valid at the Tallahassee Spur. Rudie, the manager on duty, did me an immense favour by agreeing to serve the meal and allowed me to make alternative payment arrangements later in the day. They had a great time and was treated with utmost respect and warm, friendly hospitality.
I cannot say in words what this mean to me - I think you guys are the best!
bless you


Company: Spur Steak Ranches

Country: South Africa   City: Somerset West

Category: Cafes, Bars, Restaurants


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