My Credit Card " debt " was handed over to a DCD Collections company in June 2013, only to be contacted by another debt collections company during September 2013, DCM Collections claiming I now owe an additional R10000.00!! Upon Contacting Standard Bank Legal I was told that my debt was in fact sold to, a third party and they have additional charges!! Never mind that the debt is more than 6 years old and the capital amount together with substantial interest was paid up ages ago and now the estimated 25k is just interest and fees? A whopping 19k in two months! This will be my final attempt as I have received no joy or assistance from Standard Bank before referring this to he NCR and Ombutsman. And reporting these "collection attorneys" to the aw society. Best is your ITC record is severely prejudiced. Best of all the call centre agents contacts me night and day when i refer them back to Standard Bank as their client the want to hear nothing of it, i get contacted at work u name it. I look forward to receiving a written reply and reducing all communication in writing.